
Air Natur Home nace en 1980 con la ilusión de ofrecer a los consumidores una ambientación de calidad adaptándonos a sus gustos y necesidades olfativas.

El origen de Air Natur Home viene de la mano de su creador y perfumista, David Fernández, un entusiasta almeriense que luchó por conseguir su sueño de ser perfumista respaldado por la prestigiosa empresa francesa de destilación de esencias naturales ‘Charabot & CIE’ situada en Grasse, Francia, cuna mundial de la perfumería, nombrada por la UNESCO “Patrimonio cultural inmaterial de la humanidad” por su saber hacer de la perfumería.



Es desde ese momento en el que David Fernández vuelve a su tierra natal para poner en práctica los intensos conocimientos de la selecta perfumería francesa y comienza a crear soluciones aromáticas para el coche y el hogar.

Poco a poco la evolución es enorme y continúan con el sector de la perfumería personal creando líneas de perfumes exquisitas y pensadas para todos los gustos.

Durante todos estos años, Air Natur Home ha aunado la experiencia, la innovación y la investigación de nuestro propio laboratorio para trabajar con materias primas naturales y de calidad que se transformen en experiencias olfativas y en emociones únicas.

Trabajamos duro cada día para hacer llegar nuestras fragancias y aceites esenciales a todas las partes del mundo, lo que nos permite estar presentes en más de 80 países de Europa, Asia, Norteamérica...


Air Natur Home cuenta con un equipo de diseño propio que conoce el producto desde el primero momento y les permite desarrollarlo a la perfección satisfaciendo los gustos del mercado y nuestros clientes.

Nos gusta asesorar a nuestros clientes en el fantástico y productivo mundo del marketing olfativo, ayudándolos a mejorar sus negocios y orientándolos en las tendencias de cada momento, siguiendo la moda a la corriente de los tiempos que corren.



CLP Certification

It is a rigorous method that guarantees that the essences we offer have followed strict quality controls. They are specific for each of them, so that they meet the highest quality standard and can be used safely. For this, each fragrance comes with its MSDS, which is the safety data sheet of the components of its formula.


Quality Control

The manufacture of each of our products is supervised by qualified and expert people in order to ensure that they meet the quality and design specifications established by the company.


Olfactory Marketing

The fragrance that will make you stand out. We work continuously in the creation and development of our clients' requests through a personalization of the service that implies better practices, security, legal standards and personalized attention. We evaluate the needs of each of our clients and work as a team to achieve sensations associated with a specific aroma, appropriate to your location or establishment.


The commitment of a team

We are continuously expanding our presence in different key markets. One of the great advantages of working with us is in the benefit of our clients to have the experience, effort and flexibility of a multicultural team that shares their passion for the essence. All this added to the resources of a multinational company.


World presence

It has its own delegations in Spain, Germany and the US, added to a commercial presence in more than 80 countries.


Own design team

AIR NATUR works with a team of innovative and creative professional experts with extensive experience in Marketing and Design. Our multicultural, fast and flexible structure allows us to create direct contact and complete attention to the ideas and needs of our clients.



We are committed to the environment. All our products are labeled with descriptive information on the protection of the terrestrial and marine environment. The formulas of our fragrances comply with the requirements for good environmental practice according to the rules of the European Community. AIR NATUR works with the ECOEMBES organization to improve prevention procedures and efficiency in recycling. All our efforts are directed towards the care of our most precious asset, our natural environment.


All our clients are special and have a role

Working together as a team, we develop an essential link to better understand your needs. In this way, we create each product, design and special fragrance.


Costumer service

Our main challenge is focused on taking maximum care of our relationship with our customers, having well defined the most appropriate processes to solve any incident in the least expensive way possible. In this way, one of the great keys to our success lies in the personalized attention we offer to consumers by our commercial team and through our website and social networks, with the aim of solving any type of doubt and addressing suggestions anytime.