

Binomial name: Cinnamomum verum.
Origin: Ceylon, Seychelle Islands, India, Burma, Indochina and several of the islands of the Indonesian archipelago.
Combines: Apple, Orange, Lemon, ginger, Jasmine, coconut and Almond.

Its aroma, which comes from essential oil extracted originally from Indonesia, is commonly used in perfumery for its warm and woody hints. Appreciated for its aromatic spicy stroke, mixed with an exquisite sweet touch, immerses you in an ambience of peaceful calm, providing positive energy combined with a matchless smell.

Synonymy: Canela, Cinnamon bark, Cinnamomum zeylanicum, Canella, Cannelle, Cannelier de Ceylan, Cannelier, Arbre de la canyella, Canyeller, Canelo, Árbol de la canela, Cinnamomum verum.

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